Isus Hristos este Cuvântul vieţii. El este viaţa însăşi; El este chiar viaţa veşnică (1Ioan 1:1-2). Isus a fost trimis în lume și făcut cunoscut lumii de însuși Dumnezeu (1Ioan 1:2), ca la rîndul Lui, El să Îl facă cunoscut pe Dumnezeu nouă (Matei 11:27). Viaţa veşnică înseamnă să cunoşti pe Dumnezeu Tatăl (John17: 3). Fiecare poate avea viaţă veşnică doar atunci când crede în Isus (Ioan 6:47). Dumnezeu ne dă bucuria iertării de păcate imediat după ce ne recunoaştem păcatele noastre conștiente şi le mărturisim (1Ioan 1:9). Ne vom bucura pe deplin în Dumnezeu, atunci când vom trăi în lumină şi vom practica adevărul, pentru că numai atunci putem avea părtăşie deplină cu Tatăl şi cu alţi credincioşi (1Ioan 1:2,6-7). Când transmitem acest mesaj la alţii, aceasta trebuie să le aducă și lor bucurie (1Ioan 1:4). Apostolii au văzut pe Isus cu ochii lor, L-au auzit cu urechile lor şi L-au atins cu mâinile lor (1Ioan 1:1). Cei care Îl văd, aud şi simt pe Dumnezeu în prezent au bucuria de a cunoaște pe El în mod personal. Noi trebuie să mărturisim, să proclamăm şi să scrim despre Isus la toată lumea (1 Ioan 1:2) exact aşa cum a făcut şi apostolii și au adus această bucurie pentru noi.
Rejoice because you know Him
Jesus Christ is the word of life. He is the life itself and He is even the eternal life (1John 1:1-2). Jesus was revealed to us by God (1John 1:2) so that He may reveal God himself to us (Mat. 11:27). Eternal life is to know God the Father (John17:3). Everyone will have eternal life when they believe in Jesus (John 6:47). God gives us the joy of forgiven sins right after we acknowledge our conscience sins and confess them to Him (1John 1:9). We will rejoice fully in God, when we will live in the light and will practice the truth, because only then we can have fellowship with the Father and with other believers (1John 1:2,6-7). When we share this to others it will bring joy to them as well (1John 1:4). The apostles saw Jesus with their eyes, heard Jesus with their ears and touched Jesus with their hands (1John 1:1). Those who see, hear and feel God today they have the joy of knowing Him. We need to testify and to proclaim and to write about Jesus to everyone (1John 1:2) exactly as apostles did and brought this joy to us.
Rejoice because you know Him
Jesus Christ is the word of life. He is the life itself and He is even the eternal life (1John 1:1-2). Jesus was revealed to us by God (1John 1:2) so that He may reveal God himself to us (Mat. 11:27). Eternal life is to know God the Father (John17:3). Everyone will have eternal life when they believe in Jesus (John 6:47). God gives us the joy of forgiven sins right after we acknowledge our conscience sins and confess them to Him (1John 1:9). We will rejoice fully in God, when we will live in the light and will practice the truth, because only then we can have fellowship with the Father and with other believers (1John 1:2,6-7). When we share this to others it will bring joy to them as well (1John 1:4). The apostles saw Jesus with their eyes, heard Jesus with their ears and touched Jesus with their hands (1John 1:1). Those who see, hear and feel God today they have the joy of knowing Him. We need to testify and to proclaim and to write about Jesus to everyone (1John 1:2) exactly as apostles did and brought this joy to us.