I’ve heard many believers saying that their faith is something personal and it is not necessary to tell someone about it. But I understand that in reality the true faith can’t be hidden. If our faith is not shown up through our acts (Ephesians 2:8-9; James 2:17) then this faith is a dead one. Our behavior is a result of our faith.
Therefore, the actions and the
behavior of anybody is the clearest evidence of his faith (Mathew 7:20;
Philemon 6).This is the fruit that the believer bears. God wants us to bring much
fruit for His glory (Luke 13:6-9; John 15:8). How can we bring fruits for God?
To bear much fruit for God we have to:
-live in righteousness (Philippians
-confess Jesus Christ (Hebrew
-serve God (Romans 7:4-6;
1Corinthians 3:5);
-do good works with the right
motives (Romans 6:21; Ephesians 2:8-9);
- make disciples (John 12:24; Matthew 28:19-20);
-live by the Spirit and have
the fruit of Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22)
The fruit is the proof of a
living faith and this fruit needs to be evident. God wants us to bear much
fruit so that He will be glorified (John 15:8). All the praise and merits to be