This is how Jesus Christ preached

by A. R. Bond
(publication from 1910)
(Here are a few sequences)

Jesus did not have a certain time of preaching. His listeners were the people he met in His life. Jesus had a message for each of them. He preached to the crowds as well as to His twelve disciples privately. Jesus didn't travel all over the world, but traveled throughout Israel and preached in the same way both in villages and in towns. Jesus was accessible.
Anyone, whether rich or poor, spiritual leaders or sinful, tax collectors and dignitaries could come to hear the words of Jesus. Even women and children could get close to him, even if sometimes it was against the rules of that time (John 4). He was the friend of tax collectors and sinners. The first three Gospels are mentioned 31 conversations that Jesus had with 28 persons in 24 different occasions. In the Gospel of John we find 24 dialogues of Jesus, 8 of which Jesus had with Peter. He saw every opportunity of preaching and did not miss any of them (John 3:10, 4:18). Jesus taught in the temple, in the synagogue and in the outdoors. He preached in the people's home - regardless of their social position, their financial status or their poverty.

Being raised in a family of Nazareth which belonged to the middle-class of society, so well-known to the poor state conditions as well as to the rich ones. He used religious ideas from His days as a starting point to show them their errors.

Intellectual – Jesus preached on the meaning of even the most simple and uneducated people. He has adapted to their level of understanding (Mark 4:33). He spoke simply, but deep and never used big words. For Him, the mind was the door to the people's emotions and will that they may choose benevolent the right thing to do.

Jesus 'listeners' emotions were touched by his preaching. 34 times is encountered response astonishment of Jesus' preaching. 18 times is encountered the grief reaction as a result of his preaching. There are also encountered emotions as anger, joy, jealousy, hope and hate. Jesus never intended to touch these emotions of people for feelings or to satisfy Himself, but that they were natural emotions as reactions to His message.

The will that target audience was far from Jesus to attain by His preaching. He did everything possible to bring people to that, that they submit in everything their will to God's will.
The illustrations used by Jesus were various figures of speech. Just in the Sermon on the Mount are 62 illustrations, such as salt, light, bread, etc.. He identified Himself with the life lived by ordinary people, that is why He was able to speak about spiritual things using elementary things of daily life. Sometimes Jesus let the listeners’ imagination to finish a thought, because He wanted people to think personally. Jesus only used simple and clear words.

The questions of Jesus spoke just as well as His affirmations. Jesus asked 237 questions to His listeners. Some of His’ questions had to be answered and others were so trenchant that the answer to them was obvious. Jesus knew and thought process of the people, which is why He sometimes we find that Jesus answered and said, even when there was no question asked.

Jesus declarations were made without offending his listeners. He did not seek to be accepted or to make a reputation in the society. He used the sharp ironies and sarcasm. This created many enemies to Him, who eventually killed him. His declarations were always without personal hatred (Matthew 22:21, 7:1-5, 11:17, 11:24; Luke 11:37-41, 14:12-23).

Repeating His message in different places shows that what He preached was of great importance. He did not seek to make notorious reputation always new things to say. He was interested that people to hear and understand God's message. Some themes Jesus repeated several times even to the same listeners. For example, the kingdom of God, Heavenly Father, love, watchfulness, self-denial, cross etc.. Jesus always put much sense in just a few words.
Jesus never intended to move people through the power of oratory. He always wanted that content of the message to be understood and the people to take attitude from what they heard.
Jesus position during the preaching was not always standing. He preached sitting as well. He also gestured with his hands (Matthew 12:49), he looked up (Mark 6:41, 7:34, John 11:41, 17:1), sometimes staring at some people (Mark 3: 5, 34, 8:33, 10:21; Luke 6:20, 8:17, 22:61).
Often began to preach by making the listeners to think (Matthew 5:29, 30, 6:24, 9:11, 11:11, 3:14., 4:28, 16:7, 21, 24:42, 43, Mark 9:10, 10:26, 30; Luke 2:41, 12:51, John 2:19, 6:60).
Sometimes after He said something, Jesus was leaving the place and those people (Matt 1:53, 3:21, 16:4, 19:1,15. Compare Luke 12:51 with John 14:27, and John 9:39, 12: 47, and John 6:37 with 44.

Jesus used specific occasions to highlight certain truths (Matthew 12:46-50, Mark 12:41-44; Luke 22:24-30, John 4:35).
Generally Jesus preached on these seven themes:
1.            God’s Kingdom (by 78 times)
2.            God the Father
3.            Eternal Life
4.            Self-denial
5.            Sinfulness and righteousness
6.            Love
7.            His death and resurrection
He talked about smaller themes - such as world evangelism, fasting, giving, etc..
He preached about things of supreme importance and did not talk about mundane things, as the rabbis did (Matthew 23:23). Jesus never talked about philosophy, reforms or politics.
Jesus' message directly reflected His experience and Jesus first lived what He preached (Acts 1:1).
52 times Jesus referred to Himself as the Son of Man.

Old Testament. Jesus quoted the Old Testament 34 times and 23 times alluded to Him during his preaching. By this we realize that Jesus accepted the inspiration of the Old Testament. Jesus brought freshness and spirituality in His preaching, even when quoting the Old Testament (Matthew 7:29). He interpreted the Old Testament in a spiritual and moral way and  changed the common understanding raising the moral Standards. (Matthew 5) He used quotations from the Old Testament to rebuke the traditions of men (Matt. 12:1-5).

Controversies. The spiritual leaders of the Jews were attached to their privileges as the chosen people of God and neglected their responsibility to the nations, but Jesus preached the need for a personal relationship with the living God. Jews considered Jesus to be mediocre for His providence, but Jesus continued to spend His time with sinners, what made them even harder to irritate (John 7:12, 11:48). 22 times Jesus contradicted religious leaders when He was attacked (John 8:7, Matt. 10:21). 4 times Jesus responded with silence to accusations of His enemies. He refused to perform miracles on demand / suggestion of his enemies, but He did wonders to strengthen His message (Matthew 9:6, Luke 14:1-6).

In the Gospels are mentioned 8 wonders about the nature and 26 healings that Jesus did, of which 12 were made by physical touch. None of the miracles Jesus did, had a target to become a spectacular demonstration. Only once Jesus told the healed to tell others what God did to him (Luke 8:39). But four times specifically ordered not to tell anyone (Matt. 8:2-4, 9:27-31, Mark 7:32-37, 8:22-26). Five times Jesus refused to show signs on order or suggestion of people (Matt. 12:38,45, 16:1-4, Luke 23:8-12, John 2:13-22, 6:22-59). The miracles performed by Jesus were only responding to people's needs and Jesus never personally profited from preaching or healing that He done, than when multiplied bread and ate all and when Peter paid giving tax into the temple (Matt. 14:13-23, 15:32-38). The many miracles Jesus did in the midst of His ministry, when he had maximum resistance and opposition. Jesus taught that some diseases are because of sin (John 5:14), but not all (John 9:3).

Jesus could not look at the crowds and not be moved by what they face. His heart was always full of compassion (Matt. 9:36, 2:14, 6:27, Mark 1:41, 6:34, John 11:35). Jesus never refused to heal. He was a friend of sinners (Luke 7:34, Matt. 11:28). Jesus cared for lepers, insane, blind and possessed by demons. He lifted the women at the level of men. However, his kindness did not stop him to be firm and emphatic where it was God's will to be so (John 6:15, Matt. 4:23, John 7:3-8, Luke 9:51). Jesus knew when, where and how to rebuke each who was worth of this thing . He had a say on any occasion and for any person (Matt. 8:26, John 14:1, Luke 7:44-46, 48, 50, John 12:3-8).

Jesus did not seek to obtain a rename or a reputation through telling the jokes, speeches or quoting of famous historians or big personalities during His time. The only source cited by Jesus was the Old Testament.
Jesus' message was clear and simple. He had full confidence in what He taught. There is no correction or revision regarding what He taught before. He could be understood by any man in any class, if He intended to do the Father's Will (John 7:17). The illustrations used by Jesus were the present life of people who listened and they have never had to imagine something they had not seen.
His lifestyle was equally simple. He had no great pretensions to his comfort. He was humble enough to accept invitations to dinner, even though He knew He could not do and He at His turn. The only ambition that He has, was to do the will of the Father (John 6:38).

Jesus was a passionate observer of everything that had happened around him. He was balanced between reason and emotion. Although emotions were pretty intense at times, He did not allow them to compromise His goals. Jesus never left irritated or upset anyone, nor was allowed to be dragged by the emotional needs of people. He was afraid of God and lived without sin. Jesus used his imagination, but it always resulted in actions of ministry (Matthew 9:36, Luke 10:19).
He spoke in terms of concrete reality, but not abstract truths. He controlled His mind to judge the logic, constructive and positive, even if He had a mind like any other ordinary man (Mark 11:13, 13:32).
Emotional life of Jesus was always directed towards the interests of other people and never on Himself. As One who loves, He shared the pains and joys of others, that's why He was named "man of suffering" (Mark 7:34, 8:12). He spoke the truth in love. Jesus was never discouraged. He enjoyed (Luke 10:21, John 15:11, 17:13), and He was angry (Mark 3:5, 10:14; Matt. 9:30, 4:23 p.m., 21, 12-17, John 2 :13-22) and He was astonished twice - Matt. 8:10 (of one's faith) and Mark 6:6 (one of disbelief). Jesus sought only one thing and that was to glorify the Father. Wickedness of His enemies and His friends suggestions, did not affect His decision. Although he had a strong will, He never imposed His will to others. Jesus never forced anyone to do anything. Jesus was a man of prayer. 16 times is mentioned that Jesus prayed: thanked (Mt. 11:25, 26, In. 11:41), intercede (Luke 10:32, 11:34, Jn. 17), prayers to strengthen the spirit (Luke 3:21; 5:15-26, Mt. 14:15-23, In. 12:27, Lk. 10:42 p.m.) for wisdom (Mark 1:35, Luke. 6:12 13), for others to have insights (Luke 9:18-27, 28, 29, 11:1).  Jesus taught that prayer should be made in humility (Luke 18:10-14), sincerity (Mt 6:5-15), with obedience (Jn 15:7), in faith (Mark 11:24), and fasting (Mt 5:21).

Jesus boldly attacked sin (Lk 13:32), even to his friends. He understood very well the signs of the times in which He lived, so He could choose what and how to speak, to touch people's hearts. He has adapted His ministry to really important issues (Mt 6:33). Jesus never lost His time talking about politics, science and literature.
Despite the fact that Jesus had authority and power, He respected human dignity because God Himself gave man the freedom to choose.
Jesus' authority came from:
  1. The anointing of the Holy Spirit at His baptism.
  2. His relationship with His father in who was observed the strong tendency to please Father and absolute obedience to the Father.
  3. His attitude towards the real needs of people.

Jesus' earthly life began in a manger of animals and ended with death similar the criminals' one. This is nothing like a successful career in the eyes of the world. He never sought to have appreciation or recognition from any man. Jesus never made any effort to attract crowds to Him to hear Him. He has reincarnated his message in the lives of His followers and showed them the way of the cross. This was His success.

Will you be willing to change your style of preaching now?